Thursday, December 16, 2010

Don't mind me, just dumping here few years of links

It totally baffles me why I found some of these interesting at all...

Improvised Exotic Weapons – Homemade Exotic Weapons. Plans for specialty knives, firearms and more.
burgess fossils - Google Search
Our Own: A few from yesterday. More to come, stay tuned. ...
Warren Ellis » Just When You Thought Nature Had Run Out Of Ways To Fuck With You: The Supersonic Tsunami
European flooding - The Big Picture -
America – The Grim Truth
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia...
Water Hemlock/Spotted Parsley (Cicuta maculata) | 12 Deadliest Garden Plants | Photos | This Old House
Dozens Walk Past Dying Hero Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax On New York Sidewalk (VIDEO)
Coilhouse » Blog Archive » Kowloon Walled City: The Modern Pirate Utopia
John Gray: A shattering moment in America's fall from power | Comment is free | The Observer
Blog di Beppe Grillo - Niki Gatti. Loro hanno archiviato, noi no.
History of Simi Valley, California - Chumash Period
NYRblog - Slide Show: Detroit, City of Ruins - The New York Review of Books
Sono stata torturata in un collegio religioso
How Fish Poop Can End Poverty and World Hunger | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
UN report: World's biggest cities merging into 'mega-regions' | World news |
YouTube - Sentry Removal Techniques:Baton & Sapper
MIT researchers discover new way of producing electricity
Is There an Ecological Unconscious? -
Is There an Ecological Unconscious? -
BBC News - Fallujah doctors report rise in birth defects
Jeff Schweitzer: Asheville Atheism Attacked Anew
Elected officials in North Carolina are constitutionally disqualified from office if they "deny the being of Almighty God."
Liberals and atheists smarter? Intelligent people have values novel in human evolutionary history, study finds
Printing body parts: Making a bit of me | The Economist
A lethal business model targets Middle America -
the Girl's Guide to Homelessness » Blog Archive » Initiation
A.S. Allegedly Trashes Weekend Retreat Villa - Daily Nexus
Non, les Mayas ne prévoient pas l'apocalypse pour 2012 - Libération
Bisbee and the Bike Brothel | The Path Less Pedaled
Oceans losing ability to absorb greenhouse gas
2050 - and immortality is within our grasp | Science | The Observer
BBC News - Ivorian tax-free rebel city flourishes
Open-Source economy
Japanese scientists invent printable lithium battery
Daily Sound — Alleged interstate marijuana operation busted
Authorities raided the home, in the 1700 block of Glen Annie Rd., on Tuesday. While there, they discovered a sophisticated indoor marijuana garden that was stocked with more than 130 active plants. Detectives also found 10 pounds of processed marijuana, scales, packaging materials and payment sheets, as well as $27,000 in cash and an additional $10,000 worth of equipment.
The world's most likely trouble spots in 2010 | World news |
SteamPunk Magazine » Je joue donc je suis: an audience with the Jaquet-Droz automata
Slab City by the Salton Sea in California: details, maps, directions
The Slabs | The Path Less Pedaled
Quel computer dell'Ottocento al museo di Mountain View - Tecnologia -
California gives green light to space solar power - space - 08 December 2009 - New Scientist
In Japan, 'Herbivore' Boys Subvert Ideas Of Manhood : NPR
The sensitive New Age man has finally arrived in the land of the salaryman. Known as "herbivores," these Japanese men are drawn to a quieter, less competitive life. But their lack of interest in sex is a worry in Japan, where the declining birthrate is causing alarm.
Look Out Below! Wingsuits Pushed for Airborne Assaults | Danger Room | » Blog Archive » Skyscraper vertical farm planned for China
NeuroLogica Blog » Tracking Down Consciousness
property of having enough neurons wired together. A popular notion in science fiction is that artificial intelligence may unexpectedly emerge out of a su
African conflicts spurred by warming - environment - 23 November 2009 - New Scientist » Blog Archive » Julian Savulescu says “Genetically enhance humanity or face extinction” » Blog Archive » Sunlight-Propelled Spacecraft to Launch in 2010
The first Solar Sail spacecraft met an untimely end, crashing into the ocean instead of making it into orbit. But now, in 2010, a new, improved version of that craft–an entire spaceship that’s propelled only by the sun’s rays–is set to launch. And scientists will be see if this unique spaceship will become the prototype for long term interstellar travel.
Vanished Persian army said found in desert -
The remains of a mighty Persian army said to have drowned in the sands of the western Egyptian desert 2,500 years ago might have been finally located, solving one of archaeology's biggest outstanding mysteries, according to Italian researchers.
The Vertical Farm Project - Agriculture for the 21st Century and Beyond |
Brazil crime wars: Spiderman's story of drugs and Jesus in Rio's slums | World news | The Guardian
Just Blame the Dog for Environment's Ills - CBS News
What about the humans?
BBC NEWS | Technology | Smart spectacles aid translation
Foto - Armi e cinema in un sito per i fanatici - 1 di 8 - Trovacinema
Deforestation sped demise of Nasca in Peru: study | Science | Reuters
Mouth-to-mouth wild hyena feeding in Harar, Ethiopia | MEIGNORANT
Waterproof & Sealed OEM Rackmount Keyboards - Government - Industrial - Medical Military Manufacturer Pointing Devices and Mouse Pointers Flat Panel Displays - Touch Screen Display
Why All the Fuss over Rare Earths? | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
YouTube - New robotic hand 'can feel'
UFO alert: police officer sees aliens at crop circle - Telegraph
Master mechanism behind regeneration of body parts discovered
Balloon boy's father 'wanted TV fame before world ends in 2012' - Telegraph
Richard Heene, the man suspected of the alleged "balloon boy" hoax, was driven by a conviction that the world will come to a cataclysmic end in 2012, according to a friend.
Churches denounce African children as witches / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Grave Digging
Dickens used to wander around graveyards with a notebook, writing down all the most wonderful names he could find. We now think of names like Gradgrind, Squeers and Gamp as quintessentially Dickensian, but he found most of them on forgotten stones in London cemeteries.
UCSB Reacts to Scare - Daily Nexus
Dead man slumped on balcony mistaken for Halloween decoration | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
British scientists develop 'brain to brain communication' - Telegraph
Maria Lionza: Pilgrimage to magic mountain
First black hole for light created on Earth - physics-math - 14 October 2009 - New Scientist
An electromagnetic "black holeMovie Camera" that sucks in surrounding light has been built for the first time. The device, which works at microwave frequencies, may soon be extended to trap visible light, leading to an entirely new way of harvesting solar energy to generate electricity.
Artificial Virginity Device Sparks Backlash In Egypt : NPR
The online ad from Gigimo promises women "no more worry," because they can restore their virginity for just $29.95. The ad says the "artificial virginity hymen" fits in the vagina and, upon penetration, oozes a bloodlike liquid.
Madagascar biodiversity under threat as gangs run wild - environment - 12 October 2009 - New Scientist
They Shoot Porn Stars Don't They . Words & photos by Susannah Breslin . Page 1
God is not the Creator, claims academic
'Spider pill' offers new way to scan for diseases including colon cancer - Telegraph
Pacific Ocean 'dead zone' in Northwest may be irreversible --
Oxygen depletion that is killing sea life off Oregon and Washington is probably caused by evolving wind conditions from climate change, rather than pollution, one oceanographer warns.
My little zebra: The secrets of domestication - life - 05 October 2009 - New Scientist
The Brain Processes Facts and Beliefs the Same Way | Newsweek BeliefWatch: Lisa Miller |
Now, a 'switch' to reverse biological clock!
Bedazzler - DIY non-lethal weaponry
Increase in sea levels due to global warming could lead to 'ghost states' | Environment | The Guardian
World around us: The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts
Testimoni, amici e mariti fittizi adesso si possono noleggiare - esteri -
Muslims mass-producing children to take over Africa, says Archbishop -Times Online
Attentat de la rue Saint-Nicaise - Wikipédia
Affaire du collier de la reine - Wikipédia
Human-made Crises 'Outrunning Our Ability To Deal With Them,' Scientists Warn
Could we create quantum creatures in the lab? - physics-math - 15 September 2009 - New Scientist
Warren Ellis » Your AAA WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT Moment For Today
Pursuing God and sex --
SPLENDIDO SPLENDENTE - Un romanzo per Moana
L’ omosessualità in Vaticano e quelle veline dei cardinali : Giornalettismo
San Francisco News - The Demystifying Adventures of the Amazing Randi - page 2
First Gray Wolf Hunt in Decades Begins Tomorrow : TreeHugger
September Promises to be Killer Month for Wolf Hunters : TreeHugger
Lunapads: Washable Cloth Menstrual Pads & The DivaCup Menstrual Cup
Burning Man Gets an API (and a Whole Lot More) - O'Reilly Radar
Fritjof Capra - Wikipedia
Eduardo Galeano Contemplates History's Paradoxes : NPR
There was a secret pact between Django Reinhardt and his guitar. If he would play her, she would lend him the fingers he lacked.
Retired professor and wife killed by a pack of dogs as they went for a stroll | Mail Online
The bodies of Sherry Schweder, 65, and her husband Karl, 77, were discovered near their home in the U.S. state of Georgia at the weekend.
La rinascita di Greg LeMond Volto anti abusi sui minori - La Gazzetta dello Sport: Ciclismo
Nature deficit disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ludwig - Carmilla on line ®
Woman left to die in local canyon; throat cut - Pasadena Star-News
Self-healing surfaces - Boing Boing
Prison Proxy: How It's Made: Soldering Irons
The sad fate of Superman co-creator Joe Shuster - Boing Boing
GPS jammer plugs into cigarette lighter - Boing Boing
Augmented Reality Apps to Arrive with iPhone 3.1 Update - Mac Rumors
Shotgun expert shows his stuff - Boing Boing
Traboules Secret Passages | Atlas Obscura
The Witch House of Salem | Atlas Obscura
The Giant Pyramids of North Dakota | Atlas Obscura
Op-Ed Columnist - A Supreme Leader Loses His Aura as Iranians Flock to the Streets -
Against Self-Organization « The Pinocchio Theory
Netflix: Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism
Urban Coyotes Have Streetwise Ways : NPR
Backpacker Magazine - Survival Skills: Start a Fire with Your Cellphone
41 anciens responsables états-uniens de l'anti-terrorisme et du renseignement mettent en cause la version officielle du 11-Septembre [Voltaire]
Bicycle Race Wrecks I.V. - Daily Nexus
Fugitive appears in court after months on run - National - NZ Herald News
‘We did not know that child abuse was a crime,’ says retired Catholic archbishop
How Neanderthals met a grisly fate: devoured by humans | Science | The Observer
What Does Your Credit-Card Company Know About You? -
Why Does New Zealand Love Fugitive William Stewart?
Explorer-Scouts Train in Post-9/11 Law Enforcement Methods -
Rules for Time Travelers | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
Marijuana Farms Take Root In National Parks : NPR
Wind-driven blaze in Santa Barbara - Santa Barbara fire - Los Angeles Times
The rigors of life unplugged - Los Angeles Times » “Stop calling them terrorists”
Global Guerrillas: JOURNAL: Afghanistan and Black Globalization
Through extortion and taxation, the Taliban are believed to reap as much as $300 million a year from Afghanistan’s opium trade, which now makes up 90 percent of the world’s total. That is enough, the Americans say, to sustain all...
Quando Rebellin chiedeva l'Epo Due filmati del 2001 lo accusano - Sport -
Singularity 101 with Vernor Vinge | h+ Magazine
Febbre suina, oltre 100 morti Un caso confermato in Spagna Oms: verso massimo livello allarme - Diretta -
BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Mexico flu: Your experiences
American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse
Febbre suina, paura a New York Oms: "La situazione è seria" - esteri -
And so it begins
Mexico Shuts Some Schools Amid Deadly Flu Outbreak -
Global Guerrillas: JOURNAL: The Plausible Promise of Pakistan's Insurgency
The Coming Anarchy - The Atlantic (February 1994)
Fluorescent puppy is world's first transgenic dog - life - 23 April 2009 - New Scientist
Blog di Beppe Grillo - Parlamento Europeo - Loretta Napoleoni
Un nouveau regard sur le 11-Septembre [Voltaire]
Officials Groan as Floatopia Two Draws Near - Daily Nexus
Sex offender found nude, self-mutilated; bit tip of own penis off: cops
Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
Le Figaro - International : Les Allemands pourraient avoir disparu dans douze générations
Cruise: Un film a Hollywood sulla cattiva giustizia italiana - » Ricerca
Arrest In Murder Of 8-Year-Old Calif. Girl - CBS News
Sources Tell CBS News 28-Year-Old Sunday School Teacher Told Conflicting Stories Of Day Sandra Cantu Went Missing
I.V. Cyclists Race, Chug Beer - Daily Nexus
The night before Isla Vista was flooded with Floatopia revelers, hundreds of riders and spectators amassed on the corner of Camino Pescadero and Pasado to take part in a beach cruiser race dubbed the 'Tour de Fuq.'
Peter Bialobrzeski Case
Floatopia Was Fantastic... - Daily Nexus
We came in to the office yesterday, all tanner/pinker than when we left on Thursday, laughing about the drunken events that made up Floatopia 2009. But we were left wondering about the mess that was left behind. Is this gigantic, wild event the sort of thing we want to be hosting?
Throngs Flood Floatopia - Daily Nexus
Police Evict UCSB Vagrant - Daily Nexus
Campus police arrested 50-year-old Frank Besig last week after officers discovered the local transient squatting in a South Hall cubicle.
Pinched: An adventure with the authors of "The Scavengers' Manifesto" | Salon Life
Scavenger's Manifesto: HOWTO be an urban scavenger - Boing Boing
Califia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Egypt tries to hang up on killer SMS rumours - Yahoo! News UK
Hooverville - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sacramento homeless tent city
Warren Ellis » Note To Self Before Bed
IL SEGRETO DELLA CRISI :: altrenotizie :: Fatti e notizie senza dominio - stampa indipendente, notizie dal mondo
Kid walks to soccer, neighbors call the cops - Boing Boing
The Size of Derivatives Bubble = $190K Per Person on Planet
Dangerous Japanese 'Detergent Suicide' Technique Creeps Into U.S. | Threat Level from
Chilean Town Withers in Free Market for Water -
Caminito del Rey - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Religious convictions correlated to fMRI scans - Boing Boing
The sense of the divine: unintended consequences or when evolution goes bad
Spectaculaire développement des groupes racistes aux USA [Voltaire] | World | Persian Gulf's 'City of Gold' losing its glitter
The Santa Barbara Independent UCSB Prof Victimized Yet Again
The Technium: The Unabomber Was Right
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Huaxi city centre by MAD and others
ClubOrlov: Social Collapse Best Practices
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | No Fear
MYFOXNY.COM - A Fox 5 investigation exposes a worldwide ATM scam that swindled $9 million and possibly jeopardized sensitive information from people around the world. Law enforcement sources told Fox 5 it's one of the most frightening well-coordinated heists they've ever seen.
Black Wolves the Result of Interbreeding With Dogs | Wired Science from
LTTE chief Prabhakaran lived in the lap of luxury-South Asia-World-The Times of India
Sacred Games?
YouTube - Cloning passport card RFIDs in bulk for under $250
US passports can be read and copied from a moving car using a $250 rig - Boing Boing
Da Via Poma alla villa del Circeo che fine hanno fatto le case degli orrori - Adnkronos Regioni - Lazio
Life at Wal-Mart - Boing Boing
If you haven’t heard of Adam Shepard, this illustrates my point. His remarkable book Scratch Beginnings, now being promoted through, describes how he went through an experience far more gruelling than my brief flirtation with low-paying work. He placed himself in a homeless shelter with $25 in his pocket, found a job as a day laborer, then worked for a moving company, and after 10 months had a pickup truck, an apartment, and $2,500 in savings. His conclusion: People can still make it in the United States if they are willing to live carefully on a budget and work hard.
BBC NEWS | Health | Are worms vital to human health?
Are parasites improving their host organism?
Decline in Heat-Trapping Gas Emissions Won’t Bring Quick Relief, Researchers Say -
Rasman: gli agenti condannati
Seed: 2009 Will Be a Year of Panic
Докторрр ин дер ролле Fima_Psuchopadt (с) - 65 лет назад была снята блокада Ленинграда
Helicopters for Everybody
Noi vittime dei preti pedofili | L'espresso
NON SOLO FOSFORO BIANCO: SU GAZA L'ARMA DEL FUTURO :: altrenotizie :: Fatti e notizie senza dominio - stampa indipendente, notizie dal mondo - German Woman Missing 12 Years Found Alive in Swiss Woods - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Il Blog di Beppe Sebaste: "Perché difendo Cesare Battisti". Colloquio con Fred Vargas
criow nation montana - Google Search
Zimbabwe to print first $100 trillion note -
Police Nail Child Pornographer - Daily Nexus
Montreal student, 20, biking across Canada
VDM : je vis en collocation avec la fille la plus sexy de la terre. Le problème : je lui ai fait croire...
Aujourd'hui, je vis en collocation avec la fille la plus sexy de la terre. Le problème : je lui ai fait croire que j'étais gay pour pouvoir emménager avec elle. VDM
Hobo Stripper —
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. -
Warren Ellis » Polar Nuclear Lighthouses
The Associated Press: Report: Ecuador sells $700 mln debt after default
Surfer speak video - Boing Boing
L’ACQUA PER L’AFRICA? FINITA :: altrenotizie :: Fatti e notizie senza dominio - stampa indipendente, notizie dal mondo
Derinkuyu, la misteriosa ciudad subterránea de Turquía
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Black hole found in Milky Way
GLI STATI UNITI SULLA STRADA DEL DECLINO? :: altrenotizie :: Fatti e notizie senza dominio - stampa indipendente, notizie dal mondo
Time for Plan B: Cutting Carbon Emissions 80 Percent by 2020 - Earth Policy Institute
Radiologists uncover, label new teen affliction --
Reports: Mumbai Attackers Took Coke, LSD, and Steroids; Wore Versace; used GPS and VOIP - Boing Boing
Strange, Rare, Endangered Species: Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals and More Rare Animals | WebEcoist
GOOD » I Have No Wrinkles And I Must Scream»
The Science of Memory: An Infinite Loop in the Brain - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Peak Population: when will population growth stop, why, and how? - Boing Boing
Madagascar, Daewoo e neocolonialismo
Scientists Discover 21st Century Plague
Carmilla on line ®
YouTube - Japanese Man Makes Mexico Airport Home
Black swan theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lenora Claire on Allez a LA for Canal Plus France on Vimeo
Maison d'Houdini @ LA?
China's disappearing land puts food supplies at risk - environment - 21 November 2008 - New Scientist
Teen commits suicide in front of Webcam - Tech and gadgets-
English Russia » The Soviet Exotics Museum
Report to Congress: Gulf War syndrome is real - Los Angeles Times
Going into Garage-mode - Boing Boing
Hyperion Power Generation
The Santa Barbara Independent Voices Rarely Heard
Conscious after decapitation? - Boing Boing
Local News | Another human foot found on B.C. coast | Seattle Times Newspaper
Maldives seek to buy a new homeland | Environment | The Guardian
Google hits to warn of flu epidemics | Technology |
The Canadian Press: Mexican scholar finds Mayans' buried highway through hell
YouTube - Footage about exorcisms
Thousands flock to see Nepal's mystery Buddha boy | International | Reuters
AFP: Babies bred for sale in Nigeria
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Mystery of lost US nuclear bomb
Honda Worldwide | November 7, 2008 "Honda Unveils Experimental Walking Assist Device With Bodyweight Support System"
Letter from Mexico: Days of the Dead: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Presto Change-o
MALALAY JOYA: I TALEBANI SERVONO AGLI USA :: altrenotizie :: Fatti e notizie senza dominio - stampa indipendente, notizie dal mondo
Niki non c'è più
Robots That Hunt in Packs | Popular Science
Ghana has been 'cocalised' @
Migrant: We ate flesh to survive - Americas-
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : A Nervous Nation
BELLE DI NOTTE E LOTTA DI CLASSE IN AMERICA :: altrenotizie :: Fatti e notizie senza dominio - stampa indipendente, notizie dal mondo
Alternativ@Mente - La grande crisi dei mutui spazzatura.
Putin advises China to ditch the dollar (Extra)
The Long Emergency: Surviving Catastophies of the 21st Century
Feds disrupt skinhead plot to assassinate Obama - Yahoo! News
Rome workers uncover city of dead -
5th-graders charged with having sex
2294067602_8e398788ee.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x351 pixels)
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Man charged over key fob weapon
At 2.8 km down, a 1-of-a-kind microorganism lives all alone
Data-mining sucks: official report - Boing Boing
US Congresspeople Told Martial Law Would Be Imposed if Bailout Bill Didn't Pass - Boing Boing
Hidden USB Storage
The Santa Barbara Independent Hydromulching Nears 50 Percent Coverage in Forest; Private Lands Next
Like A Child
Do we all have some synaesthetic ability? - health - 30 September 2008 - New Scientist
The Palm Pistol
The Times - Pirates die strangely after taking Iranian ship
Britain will make foreigners carry RFID identity cards and will put us in a huge, Orwellian database: the rest of Britain will be next - Boing Boing
Interview with John Deal, Hyperion Power Generation
Murder in the Cathedral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Exclusive: The methane time bomb - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
Wackernagel e l'impronta ecologica
Gnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As new evidence throws the Meredith Kercher case into chaos, just who DID kill her? | Mail Online
Serial rapist suspected in student's slaying -
The Santa Barbara Independent Caught on the Web
Man's Body Found 11 Months After Suicide
Vocaloid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Print the story
False Memories of tragic and happy events - Boing Boing
Missoulian: Bear vs. bike: Teacher riding to school runs into bruin above Miller Creek
Google ponders offshore data center | Blog | Futurismic
Long Now - About
The Associated Press: China to launch space mission in late September
DNA Tests Link Slayings in 3 Counties
Update on CIA drug plane owned by “Donna Blue Aircraft, Inc” - Boing Boing
GOOD Magazine | Goodmagazine - Beautiful Messes: A Travel Guide to Man-made Disasters
HOWTO Create perfect fake identities - Boing Boing
Carmilla on line ®
The Gulf Of Mexico becomes Hurricane Alley
Death special: How does it feel to die? - being-human - 13 October 2007 - New Scientist
Open the Future: Viropiracy?
Warren Ellis » Notebook for 2008-08-26
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | N Korea 'develops special noodle'
Chernobyl, Ukraine - a set on Flickr
La nicotina e la morte delle api
Forbes Traveler on travel scams - Boing Boing
“I was back in Moscow a few years ago and saw with nostalgia they were still trying to pull the ‘wad of money’ trick in Red Square,” says veteran travel scribe Robert Reid, author of the Lonely Planet guides to the Trans-Siberian Railway, Central America and Myanmar. “Some goon rushes by you and drops a wad of dollars—could be more than a thousand—and another goon steps in and picks it up, offering to share it with you. If you take the offer, the other goon will track you down and demand all of the money. I kinda find it cute that they think it can still work—sadly it probably does.”
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Extinction 'by man not climate'
Story of flying without ID - Boing Boing
Pacemakers can be remotely pwned - Boing Boing
A cloned dog, a Mormon in mink-lined handcuffs and a tantalising mystery | Mail Online
YouTube - THUG WORKOUT (Freestyle Burpees)
Un garçon de deux ans et demi disparu dans la Drôme, Société -
YouTube - Mystery Shoe Filled With Remains Discovered
YouTube - Tongue Splitting
AmeriKa dämmerung? – Parte III: La guerra
Cabinet Magazine Online - The Museum of the Dead
Emanuela Orlandi - Wikipedia
Miss Hanako of the Toilet Fifth severed foot found on the B.C. shoreline
Oil You Can Eat: Bacteria Eat Rubbish, Egest Petrol | Blog | Futurismic
YouTube - Spider Car
PezCycling News - What's Cool In Pro Cycling
Charlie's Diary: That old-time new-time religion
Single-horned 'Unicorn' deer found in Italy - Yahoo! News
The U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves >> Four Winds 10 -
Whitechapel - Brazil's Shocking New Cigarette Pack Warnings
Dinosaurs: Return to Life
Mind Hacks: The perils of power tool amputation
BIID, otherwise known as apotemnophilia, is often confused with amputee fetishism, where sexual gratification is linked to ideas of amputation. The desire seems to be much more about the feeling of being comfortable in one's body
Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?: Scientific American
Gallery: The Drive-In Theater Turns 75
Warren Ellis » The NerdGod Delusion
More severed feet in British Columbia - Boing Boing
FILE Projects ~ San-Zhr Pod Village
HIV & AIDS in Malawi
Charlie's Diary: Exam question, 2028
Hormone nasal spray makes you a sucker - Boing Boing
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | 'Witches' burnt to death in Kenya
Gold rush fever returns to the California hills - Telegraph
From The Magazine : Radar Online : Is the government compiling a secret list of citizens to detain under martial law?
World’s Poor Pay Price as Crop Research Is Cut - New York Times
Il segreto di Stato sull'energia
One Country’s Table Scraps, Another Country’s Meal - New York Times
Foreign Policy: The List: The World’s Most Dangerous Gangs
The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends (That Happen to be True) |
7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened |
Modern Mechanix: The Electric Home of the Future
Neurophilosophy : An illustrated history of trepanation (Extended version)
Fermi paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rare Earth hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stuart Kauffman: Call the universe God - Boing Boing
With Motorcycles, Eco-Friendly and Badass Can Mix
TidBITS Networking: Back to My Mac Leads to Recovery of Stolen Mac
Woman pregnant with 18th child // Current
WorldChanging: Gold Farmers
WorldChanging: Gin, Television, and Social Surplus
Wind power balloons upward | Blog | Futurismic
Michel Fourniret - Wikipédia
Mind Hacks: On the benefits of thinking about the apocalypse
Indian baby dropping ritual | Video |
Hand of God - Sottotitoli in Italiano
The Associated Press: Police: Austrian kids locked in basement, never saw sunlight
HOWTO kill/block an RFID - Boing Boing
China becomes world's largest Internet population | U.S. | Reuters
China down to 12 days of coal stocks - earth - 23 April 2008 - New Scientist Environment
Le : L'eau en Espagne, c'est chacun pour soi - Environnement, Sciences
Modern Mechanix: New York World’s Fair 1964-1965
Conflict follows device that drives away teen loiterers -
Chinese troops are on the streets of Zimbabwean city, witnesses say - Africa, World - The Independent
Lizards Rapidly Evolve After Introduction to Island
Food and the poor | The new face of hunger |
Open the Future: The Earth Will Be Just Fine, Thank You
"The grand myth of environmentalism is that it's all about saving the Earth. It's not. The Earth will be just fine. Environmentalism is all about saving ourselves"
so_very_doomed: Food doom
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World | The New York Sun
Bionic eyes implanted in blind patients - Telegraph
YouTube - 'World Peace' Hitcher Murdered In Turkey. (Italian)
Pippa Bacca, an Italian Artist Killed During Performance Trip for Peace, Is Mourned - New York Times
60% of world's paintings come from one village in China - Boing Boing
New kind of killer virus discovered in Bolivia - 18 April 2008 - New Scientist
Locals Get Wet and Wild at Floatopia - Daily Nexus
All hail the New Flesh - in-vitro meat on sale within a decade | Blog | Futurismic
Soylent red
Mind Hacks: The psychology of magical thoughts
Corporate-sponsored spying on green groups - Boing Boing
YouTube - U.S.A. to disappear in 50 years, Saffo predicts
Details Emerge on Calif. Frozen Body
Our Lives, Controlled From Some Guy’s Couch - New York Times
Man with suicide victim's heart kills self - Life-
12 grams and a half
Wired News - AP News
Michel Fourniret - Wikipédia
Le : La mission interministérielle sur les dérives sectaires pointe les nouvelles techniques de manipulations des sectes - Société
The Canadian Press: Former United Church minister makes startling claims of native abuse
Convicted Molester Claims He Was A Victim of Bigfoot|ABC 7 News
Salerno, scoperto circo degli orrori ragazza nella vasca con i piranha - cronaca -
Anti-emo pogroms rage throughout Mexico - Boing Boing
Flickr: The Vintage Science Pool
Religion | Where angels no longer fear to tread |
Mind Hacks: Where angels no longer fear to tread
Viridian Note
WorldChanging: New Brave World workshop: RFID and art
The Independent reports on the rise of British Sea Power | Blog | Futurismic
Coal -> Jet fuel
Just what the planet needed!
Wired News - AP News
WorldChanging: Lo-Tech Windmills + Hi-Tech Filters = Desalination
Twin Amphibian Cars for Monorail
Le violenze impunite del lager Bolzaneto - Angolo Nero
Japanese funeral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AGNI Online: Letters from a Japanese Crematorium by Marie Mutsuki Mockett
Sheriff: Kansas woman sat on boyfriend's toilet for 2 years; didn't want to leave bathroom - San Jose Mercury News
Time to fight security superstition | Technology |
9/11 and drinking water security - Boing Boing
How a tiny West African country became the world's first narco state | World news | The Observer
Warren Ellis » Jamais Cascio: We Have Everything We Need To Change The World
the Vanishing Point
Secret tunnel below Niagara falls, jewel of urba archeology
WorldChanging: What Does Oil's New High Mean?
Remixing the London police's anti-photographer terrror posters - Boing Boing
WorldChanging: How Are You Preparing to Survive?
WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: My Other Car is a Bright Green City
WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: A Visit To Tesla Motors
Cyber Goggles: High-tech memory aid ::: Pink Tentacle
Rudy’s Blog » Blog Archive » Fundamental Limits to Virtual Reality
village voice > people > Click Me: Whorelore: The Magical World of Warcraft Porn by Bonnie Ruberg
Long Bets - The Arena for Accountable Predictions
The Truth About Autism: Scientists Reconsider What They Think They Know
"Silicon womb" trials to begin in UK | Futurismic
Voci e false piste un incubo lungo due anni - cronaca -
ABC News: Victim's Parents: Go After Online Predators
Incredible human dissection photos on Flickr - Boing Boing
New technology turns your body into a swipe card - Technology -
In the future you will be your own bittorrent
Broader Perspective: Upload world science fiction
The game of consequences | Futurismic
American Experience | The Lobotomist | PBS
When Change Is Not Enough: Seven Steps to Revolution
2. Rising class war/disillusionment 3. A generation of abandoned intellectuals (hey that’s you guys) 4. Incompetent government 5. Failure of leadership 6. Fiscal Irresponsibility 7. Inept and inconsistent use of force
in the future you’ll be your own bit torrent
Pornography-Desensitized Populace Demands New Orifice To Look At | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Subcutaneous touch-screen tattoo
The bees are still dying - but Haagen Dazs wants to help
Physicist Neil Turok: Big Bang Wasn't the Beginning
Ancient Roman Greek computer was used to chart the skies - Boing Boing
Tongue splitting - Diary of a Tongue Spltting and How to Split Your Tongue
A diary of a tongue splitting.
Lupercus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beam Me Up Scotty? A Q&A about Quantum Teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble: Scientific American
Making carbon-neutral fuel from air and water | Futurismic
Sacred Cave of Rome's Founders Found, Scientists Say
Amazing antique automaton on eBay - Boing Boing
The Lupercalia in the Fifth Century — CP 26:60‑69 (1931)
What christians have deprived us of
Trepanation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ModBlog - Tentacle Implants - Body modification and ritual blog sponsored by
Le : Le génome humain porte les traces d'une sélection naturelle récente - Environnement, Sciences
Bodies of Knowledge
Rosmunda (regina) - Wikipedia
Mind Hacks: Psychological torture: a CIA history
Metroblogging Los Angeles: Project Chanology / Anonymous vs. Scientology IRL showdown in LA
Gurdjieff International Review
Operation Clambake - The Inner Secrets Of Scientology
Whitechapel - Anonymous vs. Scientology (2/10/08)
Gallery of NSS Space Settlement Art Contest
Practical time travel @ CERN
Mind Hacks: Impostors and the subtleties of self-presentation
Video L'aerotrain - aerotrain, monorail, bertin - Dailymotion Share Your Videos
Great 70s tech relic
A Soviet-Era Training Jet Jump-Starts a New Era of Green Flight
Giant Robotic Spy Blimp Creeps Forward | Danger Room from
Virgin jet to use biofuel blend in test flight
Exclusive: The Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientology Tried To Suppress
Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers
Argentinean courts confirm boy was killed in satanic ritual
"According to the investigation, the boy was raped, decapitated and dismembered in an Afro-Brazilian ritual."
Modern Mechanix » Electric Glove for Police Stuns Victims With 1,500 Volts
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Last Alaska language speaker dies
tm_gen017.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000x670 pixels)
History of trepanation - Boing Boing
Attentats du 11 septembre 2001 : le Parlement japonais pose les questions de Thierry Meyssan [Voltaire]
Teen should hang for murder spree, says father - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
The Santa Barbara Independent The Story of Eric Frimpong
The Secret Museum of Mankind
Underground Architecture
WV 1/22/2008: Total Surveillance
Inside tips to avoid being screwed by teens turning tricks - Mainichi Daily News
Israel Eyes Thinking Machines to Fight 'Doomsday' Missile Strikes (Updated) | Danger Room from
Anonymous - Encyclopedia Dramatica
Thinking People vs. Feeling people
In August, 1996, 113 Hindu pilgrims, nude and smeared with ash, died in a snowstorm in the Himalayas as they were en route to worship a stalagmite believed to be the phallus of the god Shiva.
BBC NEWS | Africa | I ate children's hearts, ex-rebel says
Is this the end of cheap food? | Focus | The Observer
Ant Parasite Turns Host Into Ripe Red Berry, Biologists Discover
Foreigners Keep Out! High Tech Mapping Starts to Redefine International Borders
Life After People - The History Channel
Modern Mechanix » Electric “Brain” Weighs Three Tons
To starve and reject
Modern Mechanix » WHEELED SHIELD
Letters from Working Girls
I am 26. I'm a grad student in New York. Internet men pay to spank me
Exoskeleton for farmers - Boing Boing
dezeen » Blog Archive » Manned Cloud by Jean-Marie Massaud
Nanohazard Symbol Competition
Unknowing twins marry each other -
News 8 :: KFMB Stations, San Diego, California
Man Cuts Off, Microwaves His Own Hand
Police cheer as Kenya's witch-wary looters return war spoils - Yahoo! News UK
Television footage showed fearful, if not shameful, looters and their accomplices returning beds, sofa sets and other items after rumours that victims had deployed witch doctors to punish the thieves.
The Airport Security Follies - Jet Lagged - Air Travel - Opinion - New York Times Blog
How we got to this point is an interesting study in reactionary politics, fear-mongering and a disconcerting willingness of the American public to accept almost anything in the name of “security.”
Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950
9/11 Panel Study Finds That C.I.A. Withheld Tapes - New York Times
Vagina dentata - Wikipedia
Una leggenda che circolava tra i soldati USA durante la guerra del Vietnam raccontava di prostitute alleate con i Vietcong che inserivano all'interno delle loro vagine lame di rasoio o schegge di vetro per mutilare i marines
UNICEF Photo of the Year 2007s
The groom, Mohammed, looks much older than his 40 years. The bride, Ghulam, is still a child; she just turned 11.
Indy Reporter Does Sleep Study
Schneier on Security: Defeating the Shoe Scanning Machine at Heathrow Airport
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
L'Italia vista dal New York Times
Il 70% degli italiani tra i 20 e i 30 anni vive a casa dei genitori, condannato a una adolescenza sempre più lunga e poco produttiva. Molti dei più brillanti, come i più poveri un secolo fa, lasciano l’Italia.
Serge Quadruppani, In fondo agli occhi del gatto, recensione
"In fondo agli occhi... è un raro esempio di conspiracy fiction non paranoica, che narra di complotti ma intanto prende le distanze dai "complottisti" [...] il vero complotto sta al fondo, è strutturale e risiede nella logica dei rapporti sociali. "
Lagos la Vida Loca // Current
3rd world megalopolis
Abandonware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gunman opens fire at church; one suspect in custody -
Eden Project - the Edge
The Associated Press: Mexican City Exhumes Thousands of Bodies
C.I.A. Destroyed 2 Tapes Showing Interrogations
National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Mummified Dinosaur Unveiled
Discovery News : Discovery Channel
Chicago Reader: The Life and Death of the Deadliest Man Alive
Dante’s inferno - Features - Film - Time Out Chicago
Special: Seek and Ye Shall Find
The invisible web
BBC News | In Pictures
Scientist finds fossilized claw of man-sized sea scorpion -
Acoustic Weapon Hits Georgian Protesters (Updated) | Danger Room from
Humans Are Essentially Evil
Mono no aware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Finlandia, sparatoria a scuola otto morti e diversi feriti - esteri -
Finland schoolboy goes Columbine, announces it on YouTube
Devices Enforce Cellular Silence, Sweet but Illegal - New York Times
Milano sotterranea
James Hydrick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amazing story and bad 80's haircuts
Camera, stop a inchiesta su G8 Sinistra infuriata con Udeur e Idv - cronaca -
Wired News - AP News
Après l'empire - Wikipédia
G8, la procura chiede 225 anni per 25 no global Il pm: "Fu devastazione e saccheggio" - cronaca -
AdelaideNow... Japanese sect raided by 400 police officers
Le : La production d'énergie pourrait décliner avant 2040, selon les chercheurs d'EDF
Gallery * Lifestyle Pets * Unique and Rare Animals * Exclusive Pets
Margaret Atwood's world is coming
Global hunt for child-sex suspect
Le : "Le XXIe siècle est un siècle de pénurie alimentaire"
Drought-Stricken South Facing Tough Choices - New York Times
Convertisseur morse/texte.
Le : Des drones pour surveiller banlieues et manifestations
Body mods
Coconut crab - Google Image Search
Rape Epidemic Raises Trauma of Congo War - New York Times
According to victims, one of the newest groups to emerge is called the Rastas, a mysterious gang of dreadlocked fugitives who live deep in the forest, wear shiny tracksuits and Los Angeles Lakers jerseys and are notorious for burning babies, kidnapping wo
The Tunnels of Las Vegas - Beneath the Neon
Return of Devil's Bible to Prague draws crowds -
New German UAV -- microdrone
More panopticon tools
Jakarta scavengers
Reminds me of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere Sewer People
Sicurezza, verso la banca del dna Il ddl nel prossimo consiglio di ministri - Politica -
Genetic panopticon
Greece : Anarchists against riot police for immigrant demonstration - Inside The Gentlemen's Fight Club
Misteri d'Italia
Nello scantinato di un antico palazzo romano, Palazzo Cesi, oggi sede del Consiglio della Magistratura Militare, nel 1994 viene trovato un vecchio armadio con le ante rivolte verso il muro. È un armadio pieno di scheletri. Lì dentro, in 2274 fascicoli d

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