Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ancient Amazon civilisation laid bare by felled forest - life - 10 December 2009 - New Scientist

Ancient Amazon civilisation laid bare by felled forest - life - 10 December 2009 - New Scientist: "Their discovery, in an area of northern Bolivia and western Brazil, follows other recent reports of vast sprawls of interconnected villages known as 'garden cities' in north central Brazil, dating from around AD 1400. But the structures unearthed at the garden city sites are not as consistently similar or geometric as the geoglyphs, Schaan says.

'I firmly believe that the garden cities of Xingu and the geoglyphs were not directly related,' says Martti P�rssinen of the Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes in Madrid, Spain, who works with Schaan. 'Nevertheless, both discoveries demonstrate that [upland] areas of western Amazonia were heavily populated much before the European incursion.'"

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